The sacrament of Confirmation was celebrated on Friday 31 st March in Holy Family Church, Askea. This was a joyful occasion for the whole school community.
 On Friday, 23rd September, we celebrated Mercy Day. All classes attended Mass in Holy Family Church, which was concelebrated by Bishop Denis and Fr. Little. We were delighted to welcome...
 The sacrament of First Holy Communion was celebrated in Holy Family Church, Askea on Saturday 21st May. They were beautiful ceremonies. We extend our thanks to the class teachers and...
The sacrament of Confirmation was celebrated on Friday 22nd April in Holy Family Church, Askea. This was a joyful occasion for the whole school community. We extend our thanks to the choir, their conductor and their accompanists. A special word of thanks to...
 Our Christmas Carol Services were presented in the Holy Family Church, Askea on Thursday 11th December. The junior classes, Junior Infants – 2nd class, presented their ‘Christmas Story’...
6th class celebrated their Confirmation Enrolment ceremony on Tuesday 11th November in Holy Family Church, Askea.
 1st February, St. Brigid’s Day is a very important feast day in the school calendar of Holy Family G.N.S. Askea. 5th & 6th classes were very busy throughout the week leading up to...
This week, we celebrate Catholic Schools Week. This year’s theme is: ‘Catholic Schools: Places of Faith and Learning’.
 On Wednesday 9th October, the Enrolment Ceremony for First Communion was held in Holy Family Church, Askea at 7.30. This was a beautiful ceremony. Well done to the girls in Rooms...
 On Wednesday 25th September we celebrated Mercy Day and the beginning of a new school year.We were led in this celebration by Bishop Denis Nulty, who celebrated Mass at 9.30 am. in...