We had a wonderful turn out of pupils, parents and teachers for our Walk to School Day. Everyone gathered at Éire Óg G.A.A. Club from 8.30am and we departed for school around 8.45am. It was...
 On Tuesday, 20th June, 2nd, 3rd & 4th classes had a very enjoyable fun day which was facilitated by Éire Óg. The activities for the festival were based on the games of football, hurling,...
 Active Schools Week was a wonderful week in school! All the pupils and teachers were really busy, engaging in all types of sporting activities! Pupils played badminton, tennis,...
 This week has been a wonderful week in school! All the pupils and teachers have been really busy, engaging in all types of sporting activities! Pupils have played badminton, tennis, basketball,...
On Wednesday 20th April, 4th class, Room 11- had a very enjoyable fun day which was facilitated by four BA Sport and Exercise (GAA) students from IT Carlow. The activities for the festival were based on the games of football, hurling, camogie and rounders’,...
Our 6th class girls were treated to an indoor ‘rowing workshop’ on Monday 27th April, as part of the school’s activities during Active Schools’ week. Members of Carlow Rowing club came to the school and instructed the girls on the basic elements of rowing skills using rowing machines. This was a new experience for the girls, one they really enjoyed and hopefully some of them will take up rowing in the future. ...