.JPG) The Junior Infant classes from Room 2 and Room 3 had a very successful Teddy's Bear's Picnic organised by Mrs. Osborne last week. Each child brought their teddy bears to school and invited...
 Pupils and staff went on our annual Hallowe’en Fun Walk on Friday 27th October. The costumes were amazing and great fun was had by all. We extend our thanks to all who sponsored the pupils. Money raised through this activity will help buy extra resources for our pupils. ...
 The whole school celebrated Maths Day on Friday 20th October, a celebration which was a great success. All of the classes from Junior Infants – 6th...
 On Tuesday, 20th June, 2nd, 3rd & 4th classes had a very enjoyable fun day which was facilitated by Éire Óg. The activities for the festival were based on the games of football, hurling,...
 Mrs. Tyndall’s Dance Club put on their annual performance. The wide variety of dances and costumes held the audience enthralled. Thank you to the great number of parents who attended, it...
 Active Schools Week was a wonderful week in school! All the pupils and teachers were really busy, engaging in all types of sporting activities! Pupils played badminton, tennis,...
 There were great celebrations in the Watershed Leisure Complex, Loughboy in Kilkenny on Wednesday 31st May at the prize giving for the Kilkenny Education Centre, ‘Scríobh Leabhar’...
 The sacrament of First Holy Communion was celebrated in Holy Family Church, Askea on Saturday 27 thMay at 10.00 & 12.00. They were beautiful ceremonies.
5th & 6th classes took part in the Music Generation Choral Concert on Monday 22ndMay, in St. Mary’s Church of Ireland. The girls had a wonderful day rehearsing and performing their repertoire with Carlow National School on the day.
On Wednesday and Thursday,...
 The school has achieved a Discover Primary Science and Maths Award for the 2016/2017 school year. Feedback from the project manager included the following comments: ‘Excellent blog, clearly...